Fishing Report – December 9, 2007

Fishing Report – December 9, 2007

Tarpon Fishing

This year’s very mild hurricane season officially ended November 30.  Two hurricanes, Dean and Felix in our region got our attention for awhile but other than efforts to secure boats, buildings and equipment we were spared even minor damage as Dean landed just north of Belize and Felix ducked into Nicaragua well to the south of Belize.

Fishing and weather at BRL during the last few days of November and early December were fairly typical for this time of year.   Four Back Country grand Slams, several permit, tarpon, snook and bonefish were landed during the past two weeks.

The very exciting and wild fighting Ladyfish seemed to be more active than usual and were encountered several days in a row in different places.  Two anglers landed about 30 fish one day.  A few hooked Ladyfish were taken advantage of by hungry Cudas.

Steve and his thirteen year old son Hunter enjoyed catching tarpon, bones and snook during the week with four other friends from Jackson Hole.  Hunter on his second fishing trip to BRL got his wish and landed a very feisty 20 pound barracuda.  Dad battled a 130 pound tarpon for an hour and forty five minutes before his 80# shock leader wore through.  The rest of the party enjoyed our sometimes elusive but very salty game fish.  They quickly learned to substitute their instinctive ~ trout set, for our ~ strip set.  With his fishing ability and wit, Hunter proved that he could hold his own with the big boys, and vowed to be back again.

Barracudas, jacks and several kinds of snappers filled in the action between the super grand slam species.  Howler monkeys, crocodiles, big male iguanas and the usual bird shows on the Belize River and Black Creek as usual added the extra touch to the fishing experience.

There are still some very good dates available for January and February, so if you were not able to make it to Belize River Lodge this year we’d like to hear from you with plans for fishing with us early next year.

As quoted “Climate is what you expect, weather is what you get.”.  The 4 pictures below were all taken in one week fishing at BRL.

Belize River Lodge is easier than ever to get to:
American Airlines from Miami and Dallas
Continental from Houston and Saturdays from Newark
US Air from Charlotte
TACA from Houston and Los Angeles
Delta from Atlanta and Los AngelesThen just 15 minutes from the Belize airport

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2007 Fishing Summary
August 31, 2007
Fishing Forecast For: January, February, March 2008
March 31, 2008