July Fish Tales

July Fish Tales

July Fish Tales ~ July 10, 2019
After a very prolonged dry season this year it seems like the rains are finally here. Good news for many, especially the farmers. As of today the Belize River is still green and clear. We are looking forward to the next few months of fishing at BELIZE RIVER LODGE, here are some notes from July an also what to look foward to.

July is usually a productive month for Big Tarpon as some of the migrants are still here along with the residents and all other local game fish. Two anglers fishing here these last two days have so far caught Snook, Triple Tail, Bones, Cudas, a Gaff Top Catfish, cast to Permit, Big Tarpon and Trigger Fish. The weather has been clear and sunny with winds from the east at 10 to 15 mph.

From the Tuttle brothers who enjoyed the variety fishing of Belize River Lodge.
“Mike/Marguerite, Win and I want to thank you for a great trip! We really enjoyed ourselves. Your hospitality is first rate. Everything was taken care of. Your lodge felt like a home away from home!

Win and I caught 14 or 15 different species. A new record of us.

Thank everybody for a memorable trip. Win and I have been to many places, fished many species and styles, and almost always have found great people, great lodges, and great service. Belize River Lodge ranks high on our list.”

August is a very good month for Permit, Bones and Big Tarpon because of the prevailing light winds and calm days. In September the local Big Tarpon and Snook are good targets caught by the few anglers here at that time. October may be a rainy month so Snook fishing outside the rivers in the nearby mangrove cayes are usually a good time for a Grand Slam also with Permit, Tarpon and Bones. In November we may get one or two ‘Northers causing very low tides that are great for catching Snook. Permit fishing on the flats also is usually very productive. December usually produces some cool weather with temperatures down to 65 degrees at night, making BRL a great escape from winter weather in the North. Snook, Tarpon, Permit, Bones, and many other species are here to be caught at that time.

It is now easy and practical for Canadians to fly non-stop to/from Belize on Air Canada from Toronto and Westjet from Toronto and Calgary. Southwest, American, United and Delta all fly direct to Belize from USA gateway cities. We look forward to some productive fishing here at BRL in the next few months.

Marguerite and I hope to see you soon and we can be reached toll free at 1-888-275-4843 or by email.
Warm regards,
Mike Heusner


Tuttle brother photos:

Fish Tales – May 2019 Photos
July 9, 2019
2019 BRL Office Memo & “2 for 1” Special
August 17, 2019