Remember Me
October 30, 2020
Greetings! We’re still here & waiting for you!
December 11, 2020

Giving Thanks 2020

sunset over water with stamp of Belize River Lodge logo
Thanksgiving comes to us out of the prehistoric dimness, universal to all ages and all faiths. At whatever straws we must grasp, there is always a time for gratitude and new beginnings.”   ~ J. Robert Moskin
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Belize Olde River sunsetMike and I, and our BRL family, follow a Christian faith and so thank God. If you are of another faith, please know that we are not excluding you, but when reading our message of Thanksgiving, please reference your holy Leader and our message applies. Our message is one where a higher power has given us the strength and courage to face the days, the faith that we will come out stronger tomorrow and thankfulness in knowing that we are together in spirit or virtually if not in person.

The year 2020 a journey through where we get to learn who we are and where we are going. . .
This has been the hardest year ever, yet it has flown by so amazingly quick that we realize that Thanksgiving is tomorrow. Who can believe that March 2020 was the date that life changed so drastically! As time turned from days, to weeks, to months, it has given us time to think and reflect. How have we survived this far and this long? It has been only by the Grace of God and His continued blessings that we are still here. Not knowing what tomorrow will bring but He has provided for us through good people, that we did not expect, and to whom we are all truly grateful.

Thanksgiving is a time for families to get together and give thanks; and even though this year is different as we cannot come together physically we can still give God thanks for His many blessings. Thank you God for air so clean, for blue skies and sunny days, for the rain that feeds our plants and keep the grass an emerald green, for flowers and shrubs that are blooming in bright colors of reds, yellows, purples and pink. We thank Him for the food we eat, the clothes we wear, a place to sleep and a roof over our heads. Thank you Lord for families, the fathers, mothers and children, for keeping us healthy. We say Thank You for each new day of life where we can still show and give love to each other and to our many friends. We receive the same love from them and in return for this we give thanks that there is such a thing today called a cell phone, with Whatsapp, Messenger and Facebook, so we can stay in touch. We give thanks that there is a time and a place for everything and this is the time where face time and video chats have played a strong role in keeping us sane and connected with loved ones, thanks again for making it all happen now.

We know life, as it is now, is not perfect, with us having to deal with the virus, the fires, the floods and so much sadness; but dear God we have the deep and wonderful hope You have planted in us that You are with us and will always be with us, for which we are eternally grateful. We give You thanks that each tomorrow will be a beautiful day and we join with the birds as their songs awaken us to a new dawn of prayer, love and Thanksgiving.

We look forward to when life returns to the new normal and we can visit with everyone in person. We wish you all the best and a very Happy Thanksgiving.
Warm regards,
Mike, Marguerite
& our BRL Family

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Reminder of sharing with guests, family & friends. It was a lovely dinner, with a BRL baked Snapper Thanksgiving twist to go with our turkey and trimmings. This year, we will video chat with family and friends for Thanksgiving and are already planning for a big gathering in 2021.
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For those anglers who have not been out on the water recently, here are a few BRL Guide photos from 2019’s November/December time frame. Remember when?
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I still don’t know why I fish or why other men fish, except that we like it and it makes us think and feel.
~ Roderick L Haige-Brown
Belize River Lodge
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