Jake Brownscombe, BTT visiting scientist
This year, we have a new addition to our tagging challenge, Jake Brownscombe will be joining the fun for the week.
Jake Brownscombe is a Bonefish and Tarpon Trust Research Associate and a Doctoral Candidate at Carleton University in Ottawa, Canada. Despite being from the snowy north, he is a passionate flats angler and researcher. His research focuses on understanding how shallow water tropical sport fish make a living, including their habitat use, foraging locations, and energetics. He also works on developing best angling practices for sport fish, which are important for minimizing our impacts on our favorite fish species and contributing to their conservation. Jake looks forward to learning from the extensive knowledge that anglers and guides have from years of chasing bonefish, permit, and tarpon, and sharing his knowledge of the biology of these fish during the 2015 BTT Tagging Challenge.
During the 4th Annual Challenge, Jake will give a presentation one night on the finding of Bonefish, Permit & Tarpon and also be available for any questions that you may have. BRL would like to take this time to thank Jake for visiting and helping out during the Challenge.