5th Annual Tagging Challenge

5th Annual Tagging Challenge

the final Challenge Year
April 3 to April 10, 2016

Anglers who want to spend some quality time Flats fishing and participating in this research event will be rewarded with great memories and the knowledge that they have made a difference.  During this event we plan to tag as many Bonefish and Permit as possible with “spaghetti tags” to allow us to follow their growth and migrations.  We will also DNA swab all Tarpon, Bonefish & Permit landed.  By tagging as many Bonefish, Tarpon, and Permit as possible, we can better understand their movements and growth patterns, which will provide information that will help to conserve and enhance this amazing fishery.

Bonefish & Tarpon Trust scientist will be on hand to discuss and teach tagging and fish handling techniques and to answer questions about BTT’s research and conservation efforts.  One evening the BTT scientist will conduct a presentation of recent scientific findings about our target species.  This will be a great opportunity to swap stories and advice and to have a chance for a one on one talk with a BTT scientist to really get into the “why” and “how” of Bonefish, Tarpon, and Permit biology – and angling.  On the final evening of the week we will award prizes to the anglers who tagged and DNA’d the most Bonefish, Permit and Tarpon.

The fishing opportunities at the Belize River Lodge are second to none – the Lodge was one of the hosts for the BTT television show “Buccaneers and Bones” and is one of the top locations in the world for catching IGFA registered Inshore Grand Slams and Super Slams.

The 5th Annual Tagging Challenge 7 night/6 days Lodge Fishing trip is scheduled for arriving April 3, 2016, fishing April 4 thru 9, and departing on April 10, 2016.

The cost of the 7 night/6 days Lodge fishing package is US$3,989.00 per person, based on double occupancy.

BRL Fishing Package Includes:   Round trip airport transfers in Belize – meeting & checkout services, accommodations, air conditioning in rooms, hair dryers, daily housekeeping, all meals – including a box lunch, soda & drinking water, guided fishing,  skiff & fuel, Belize Taxes of 9% Hotel Tax & 12.5% GST tax.
BRL Fishing Package Does Not Include:   Airfare to & from Belize, fishing equipment & tackle, Belize Fishing License (US$25.00 per week, per angler & can be purchased at the Lodge), alcoholic beverages, tips to guides and staff, Belize Departure Tax (approximately US$39.75 per person – included in ticket or paid at Airport).

In addition to participating in a scientific study, your 6 days of fishing at Belize River Lodge will include

  • Welcome gifts for all participants.
  • Awards of hand carved wooden trophies for the most and biggest fish tagged of Bonefish, Permit and Tarpon.  Carving will be out of beautiful zericote wood and carved by a well-known local Belizean artist.
  • Prizes for most and biggest fish tagged.
  • BTT membership for any non-members.
  • Workshops and presentations on bonefish, permit, and tarpon fishing and science.
  • An opportunity to advance our scientific understanding and knowledge through this event.
  • Funding for more Bonefish and Tarpon Trust work later, as both BRL donates US$500.00 for every angler booked to BTT.
  •  A fantastic time in a wonderful setting, with little hassle to you – all you need to do is contact Denise Schreiber or Barbara Alden at Frontiers and they will do all the work.  Denise’s email address is dschreiber@frontierstravel.com,  Barbara’s is balden@frontierstravel.com or call Frontiers toll free at 1-800-245-1950.

We look forward to visiting with you next year during the Tagging Challenge.